Statistics states that about 90.50% of people who have done beauty surgery are women, I quite agree with this statement as it's mostly women Obsessed with beauty, but is it only beauty that makes this ladies do surgery if so then why do men do it too? For beauty or there's more in it? Today we gonna dig in it other reasons why people are so obsessed abaut surgery? T he was this time my sister asked mom to sign a document which could given the doctors the right do a nose job on her, mom totally lost it she for the first time yelled at her and immediately set a meeting for all of us, she scolded us saying doing surgery is against our religious she said it's like telling God he doesn't know how to beautify you or something close to that which I do respect but would also understand those who choose to do surgery either on their nose or breast or whatever part they wish. I did a bit of research regarding this issue on why people have surgery which I'm gonna share with ...