From friendship then it's to a few dates, after a few dates then eventually you're dating, and obviously in this dating you'll start introducing each other to the other closest people in your lifes which can include your parents too, this is how relationships are normally formed nowadays but what comes after the introduction and how do you react to this? Well that's what we gonna talk abaut today in this post. And before anything please i want you guys to know that I'm not an expect in relationships and i just wanna share my point of view here. Well before anything let us first define the term dating, how do you understand the term dating? Leave your answer in the comments section well here is how i understand the term dating, dating is when two or more people are romantically involved, i know the word 'more' might confuse you but hey in this centuries it's quite normal for three or more people to be dating knowingly; which the correct term they call...