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To get noticed on tiktok, your videos need to reach abaut atleast hundred thousand of different accounts. Tiktok is not only an entrainment app nowadays it's also a career for creators, you can start earning from your hard worked videos with just my tips, i know the are hard worked as the are alot of procedures needed to make a video for starters internet connection, which is truly difficult if you have no Wi-Fi even if you do, you still need to pay for the Wi-Fi subscription or the new trend dances which some end up paying professional dancers to teach them, making them spend money. It's time you return that invested money, now with my tips you'll surely get noticed and start earning from your videos. Now before anything i just wanna highlight how tiktok pay creators, it has a creator fund which pays it's top creator on the platform. There's no set of how much really like 0.04$ for every 1000 views, also there's this new introduced way were by fans can buy coins and buy gifts such as perfume, sweets and so on, now don't get me wrong obviously the creator won't get that gift, they'll only recieve the coins of the value of the gift sent to them, for example if the fan sent perfume which cost 30 coins then the creator will receive the 30 coins, which in the end he/she can withdraw when minimum is reached. Now with my tips if you follow closely you will start earning from your videos



-Now the first thing before you shoot a video is sound, you first decide which sound/song you are going to use as you can't make a video without sound, like you can but won't really work. Now here is the trick always use trending sounds or songs as when a sound/song is trending on tiktok everyone who liked a video with that sound/song will be shown other videos with that same sound/video making your video to be viewed by many,  i mean no one wants to watch videos with sounds that is old or isn't popular anymore, an tiktok won't really show your video to others when the sound/song you used isn't popular and is old , so when you use a trendy song/sound it's likely for people to start noticing  you, especially if you did it better, which is another trick I'll talk abaut. Anyways this trendy sounds/songs increases your views and popularity obviously 


(the first picture is of low quality while the next atleast is of quality,  that plays a major role in your videos even pictures)

 -Good lighting, proper background, good sound is the most important things that keeps someone to watching a video, i mean how long are you gonna be on a blurry video, bad background, and sound that you can't even hear properly, obviously not more then 5 seconds, now here is the trick always focus on the quality of your video before uploading it, simple trick is to always personally clean the lenses of you camera before shooting a video, if possible ask a friend or family of what they think before uploading it 


-Did you know that one of the reasons why your video will go viral is the percentage of people who fully watched your video, practically your video has a more chance to be shown to other users if 70% of the people who viewed your video watched the full video thus a shorter video has a higher chance to be fully watched than longer videos, tiktok is a shorter version of youtube people go there cause they want something short and entertaining if they wanted something long they could probably option for YouTube, get my point? Try to make your videos atleast 10 seconds short, if you want more views


-Sometimes on tiktok when a user want to search for something, they will just type in the hashtag and all videos tagged with that hashtag will come up, now this is another way to get your videos discovered by using hashtags on your videos that are famous.You might have noticed that once you are abaut to add a hashtag to your video they will show you the most popular tags by the number of people who used it, now always make sure that you use the right popular tags to your videos, probability of getting noticed is high, as when a user watches a video of a hashtag they can be shown your video too with the same tag thus opportunity for your video being viewed. And always #FYP in all your videos as this might make tiktok show your video to other users by placing it in their feed, more views right?


-If  you really want to be successful tiktok creator then this is also a good way of getting noticed, now what i meant by being consistent is to be serious,  here i mean you should post atleast 10 and a maximum of 20 videos per day. It's likely that one of your videos might go viral, so posting many videos in a day can bring attention to your page, thus proofing to tiktok that you're a serious creator. My little sister have abaut 2 million followers on tiktok, she use to post abaut 15 videos a day and somehow one of the videos she posted became viral thus bought attention to her and now she's a creator on tiktok, she makes money on tiktok from both her fans and tiktok creator fund, that's why i think posting multiple videos a day can draw attention thus more views


-This is great way to increase your views, try to promoting your tiktok on other social media platforms like instagram and facebook, this really works i know as my sister use to send me her videos for me to promote on my facebook and instagram as i had more followers then her, not now though as she have abaut 500k followers on instagram now. You can also promote your videos on other famous creators with the same content, simply by commenting check out my version too, thus drawing attention to your page 



I don't really recommend this way but if you want to hack views then i have no choice but recommend you this site, LIKE4LIKE is a site with many users all with dufferent interests, the are alot of tools there even twitter, facebook and instagram is the but since you are the for views then concentrate on that, after you have successfully created your account you just login and start doing tasks obviously following others to get points which you'll use to pay others to follow you too, you can earn points by following others using a fake Pinterest account or even by viewing YouTube videos that's for extra measures on protecting your account or you can straight forward buy points with real money and promote your own


Now if you go in playstore and type in this there's going to be a bunch of apps that will come up but trust me most of them are fake the will do nothing for your account so look at that SCREENSHOT again and makesure it's that app, after you download that app you'll know what to do,  it does not require any passwords jusr human verification which can take a second and automatically you'll send a maximum of 1million views to your video per day



Beautiful Bere said…
Your sisters user name please, i want a shout out!
Jessica said…
Wow,i see now why I'm getting low views,it's cos i always use old trends
Dr Lucia said…
Good,my daughter should see this
Jenny said…
Wow thanks for sharing

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