Just like beauty modelers, influencers need to have a perfect shape of body to get a deal or job that's the first thing companies look at, let's start the herballife milkshake, the shake is believed that it shapes your body greatly giving you hips, obviously when they want you to advitise it they will first look at your body if it's correctly shaped as they would not want a person with a shapeless body to advitise for them even followers might question on the reason why the advertiser got a shapeless body and claims that the shake will shape their body. Here is how it plays a role in this, when you advitise something you pretend to be using it, like it has worked greatly for you more like recommending something you have tried and has worked better for you, there's a possibility that your video can be watched by thousands of people but no one will buy it they will just question the reason why it haven't worked for you and will think you are lieng to them so inorder to get a nice shaped body you need surgery as even the shake can take months to work, that's the main reason influencers have done surgery
You have heard in beauty magazines or gossip channels where they claim of celebrities doing surgery even on internet if you search for celebrities doing surgeries names will come up and you'll wonder why people like to bug into others life, i remember a video i watched on YouTube in which Nicki Minaj was addressing the rumor where people think she have done surgery to her nose and claimed it was just make-up, well i think wether it's make-up or surgery it's not our bussiness it's not like she used your money to do it. There's alot of things which need to be done in order to be famous even as a music artist, your fans don't just look at your face, they zoom in abit to see how you really look like in other words they would love to see your natural face with no make-up, the breast, and body shape, that's the main reason why music artists do it to draw fans attention
I don't even know why i included students but i thought it was necessary as many spend money doing surgeries, I've discovered that most do it for the same one reason. Students are litterally bulied by others for having a bad nose, small or large breasts, shapeless body and even for having a skin that is too light which they use to call pale back in highschool or a darker skin, this forces students to have surgery inorder to avoid being bullied by others, which i think is a serious issue which forces them to do it
Everyone else do it just because of an influencer, modeler or artist they saw with a perfect body, un-wrinkled face, great breast, and beautiful eyes/nose just so they fit in the society or because it's trending, you go on tv the are only perfect models there and when yiu come to your phone it's just the same, it's changes your body even boost your self-esteem
■Boost self-esteem/confidence
■Helps you fit in society
■You stay upto date
■Helps you get a job/deal, nowadays even simple jobs like in a restaurant or club, you need a beautiful face and perfect body to get the job
■Makes you famous like artists >
■It's against many religious
■It's very expensive
■Decreases your health status
■Might not turn out like expected
■limits you into doing some tasks
Wether you got a surgery, thinking of doing one well i support you even those who think surgery is a bad idea i feel you too. But i think people should make their own decisions we should not judge anyone especially if it's not their money they will use or have used, you don't know the reason why they want to do it or have done it as we discussed most do it beacause they are vulnerable and as a way if living.
Have you done surgery? Are you planning to for it? What do you think of surgery? Leave your answers in the comment section for me please! Bye!