Happy Valentine's day! I hope you're having a good day and you're spending it with your loved ones, well even if you are not don't worry you're here with me. There's really nothing much to say as it's vallenties day, you'll probably enjoying yourself else, far from the phone but hey just wanted to say hi with a post Ofcourse. Before anything just know that this post is specifically for females as we gonna be talking about how to keep our reproductive healthy/feminine hygiene and fertile, that reflect to female hygiene. Are you a women? Do you know how blessed you are? The ability to carry another life in you, or the blessing of shredding blood without hurting yourself?, speaking of it we first gonna talk abaut it as it is a great asset to female hygiene.
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As a pre-teenage i always thought much expensive sanitary (pads, tampon) products are much safer, healthier than less priced ones which turned out to be a complete opposite as my age increased. I'm not gonna tell you the health problem due to confidential reasons, but using expensive sanitary products on my cycle was the biggest Mistake of my life ever. I'm sharing this with you hoping no one ever makes the same mistake I've done, especially those still growing, I won't be sharing a story might share it when I'll be ready maybe in years to come, alright without wasting time I'm going to quickly share with you the different types of feminine products to use on your period, whether just started or have been wanting to change to another brand or wanting to know other materials to use on for your period
What to do when you start your period for the first time
-Well I know this is stupid as everyone already knows abaut what to do due to advanced technology, I'm still going to share it because I know there might be someone out there who does not know a thing about period. Well if you're just starting then there is nothing really that you can do except for taking care of the issue making sure you don't get to waste on yourself, that's why it's important always to have a pad or what you ever you prefer as a girl, a link to different feminine products to use. I was introduced to periods at such an early age I think at around Seven years there, as I turned ten I almost already knew everything abaut them. My body works faster the doctor informed my mom abaut my condition which was discovered when I was five, which meant I could expect my periods at around nine years there. Anyways here are the different types of feminine products which I've tried to use of course, I won't share what I never tried
1. Pads
-I don't know the right definition for this all I can say is it's the best option for those starting periods, it prevents leaks, create comfort an also comes in different scents thus preventing adour, with their design preferably wings which means there's no chance for it to slip out or shift otherwise something else, I've been using it through out my life, there's cons of it though like the need to be changed every three to four hours and how they aren't a good choice for swimming. I only use others like Tampon for comparison purposes only, i can testify their best when it comes to quality, design they are best. Now this pads are from different companies and brands, like always, Nina, kotex, li-lets, My Earth and so many more but for the one just starting I advise you use always, their teen friendly, I've used them in my pre-teenage as they are the ones my mom suggested but after I've fully grown I've switched to Kotex (current use) I love everything abaut them, their scent, comfort and leakage prevents is the go for me.
2. Tampon
- A soft tube shaped material which you can insert in your femme to directly absorb menstrual blood, I've never really used them just this one time for comparison purposes plus I was attending swimming classes too, well they are also good especially for those with heavy bleeding and swimming classes. I've discovered the are more or 5 percent better then pads when it comes to leakage protection, like I only wear them that one time but when I got it out I could barely see any stains on my panty plus it wasn't ful at all I measured the hours with pads on and it takes even seven hours (under normal flow) for it to get full, not suggesting it as staying with it for more hours causes feminine health problems but in necessary situations like busy trip with restricted breaks this are best. Of course they have some cons like how they are not that comforting and the idea of touching yourself there which goes against some religious laws, but with heavy flow they are the best.
3.Menstrual Cups
-there was this time I had my eye operation and that day was the day I started my period, I knew during the operation I would be injected to fall asleep and after the operation I won't really have no time for changing pads I wanted to change my date so talked to the daughter who introduced the use of menstrual Cups, and didn't want it but this was a rare opportunity if I didn't have my operation done that day then I'll have to wait for weeks after giving it enough thought I decided to go with the flow, wore the cup and to be honest I can only use it again if in critical situations as they are not that comfortable for me but a handful in emergency scenes, I'll link this article to help you understand menstrual Cups, all I can say about them is that they are good for emergencies, upto twelve hours without changing, also of their leakage protection.
Now let's look at the best ways to keep your feminine hygiene health
•Watch your diet- certain foods affects your body's health which includes your feminine health too,
•Regular Exercise- Excise does not only benefit your body but your femme too, the famous way is that it promotes your uterus strength which will be a bonus for pregnancy purposes
•Be selective when it comes to materials to use on your cycle- yes some have scents or chemicals that can cause diseases
•Change your Sanitary cycle material use every four hours- For the purpose of diseases like fungi, and bad smell
•Don't use soap to wash there, if necessary use recommended ones from the doctor
•Take a shower atleast twice a day
•Practice Safe sex, including positions some damage your femme (inside)
•Always Use protection unless with your husband and with negative test results proof of course
•Choose your undies wisely- Silk disturb there, cotton✓ are highly recommended
•Wash your undies- Even if you always wash your undies after a bath it's good to always have a date with them where by you wash them properly and hang them in the sunlight properly
•Hang your undies outside- it might be a tradition to never show your undies but it's very important for sunlight to dry your undies as it kills million bacterias which aren't visible to your view
•Mind your sleeping position, not a necessity but some sleeping positions affects our femme hygiene
•Always Bath, Before and after sex
The are a million of them some you can do research on but this are the ones I'm more worried of, Hope this will be of help bye!