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I'm sure not all people who will view this have a blog let me just quickly tell you how to create one and start earning from it, As the title state BLOGSPOT which means I'm only concentrating on blogspot, it's easy to create a blog using blogger all you need to have is a google or email account, assuming you have that then just type in google or chrome BLOGGER website tap "CREATE ACCOUNT" then follow and provide all the necessary information and your blog will be created, before creating your blog make sure you already have a title and domain name you like, after you have successful created a blog start posting and if you have one post you are eligible to MONITIZE your blog with others as Google adsense prefers atleast 30 posts

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Ad is short for advisement, the are different ways advisement agents pay some by impression which is the number of views and others by clicks which is the time the ad was clicked well I thought that's the first thing you should know before telling you abaut monetizing

Ad is short for advisement, the are different ways advisement agents pay some by impression which is the number of views and others by clicks which is the time the ad was clicked well I thought that's the first thing you should know before telling you about ads. 

Most people start a blog or website with a purpose of generating income from it, the most famous way to monitise a blog, YouTube channel, website and even app is through Google AdSense everyone options for that but it really is difficult to get AdSense approval you need alot of work to start earning with Google AdSense that some give up, it is especially difficult for bloggers using blogger app to get approved by AdSense as most tools are free there most bloggers option to use blogger app and hope to generate income from it as they can't afford WordPress and other Blogging app expenses this people are now less advantaged from being approved by Google AdSense and today's post we are going to help them start earning from their blog without Google AdSense not that it is not the best no Google AdSense is the best choice if you are approved by Google AdSense then you really are lucky and should not waste such precious opportunity as even this other sites that help you monitise your blog use Google AdSense to monitise theirs but if Google AdSense does not consider you for now then focus on fixing whatever the issue is while earning a little with this sites I'm going to share with you as a Little is better than nothing 




-If you are not approved by Google AdSense but have good traffic than trust me ADSTERRA is the first you should consider as a blogger, ADSTERRA gives you full control like what kinds of ads you want to show on your blog you can block certain ads from appearing in your blog and you get to choose which ad units you want, ADSTERRA is the second to Google AdSense for those with true unique traffic for those who want to make much from the blog, the minimum payout is great unlike others where you wait till you hit 100$ or a high amount with ADSTERRA it's a whole new experience as soon as you reach 5$ you can request for cash out. The good about ADSTERRA is that it is a 10 minute approval, you get approved no matter your blog and that even if you have zero views like for those who's blog want to show ads for fun well ADSTERRA got you there too




•Gambling and Betting

•Games and Apps

•Stream Services

•Blowser Ad-ons

•Software Updates 


•Porn (Very rare and Can be blocked)



-These ads are displayed in a new tab/blowser you can place them on your footer or side bar as soon as a visitor reaches the side where the script was placed it will automatically open a new blowser and if you have a great content obviously the user will still close up the ad and come back to your blog and just like that you are paid, this allows you to be paid as long as you have someone view your blog. If your aim is to make more money from your blog then you must consider using POPUNDER ads as this ads drive high revenue to your account the are well paid, considering the fact that this ad formats have so many offers no matter the season you will surely earn no matter the season


-Social bar ads the ones we see mostly of Congratulations you are the lucky winner, custom banners or the countdowns, this ads are also good for driving revenue as they get so many clicks, especially if you are being paid by the number of clicks the ads are designed in an attractive way I myself have fallen into many of this ones, there are sites that I visit then social bar ads just show up saying you have won something or download this movies free, honestly anyone can be tempted to find out more although it's a scam so that's how you drive more revenue by this notification ads


-This ads don't really attract users but you get good revenue as the aim is to make more money, it affects users as they option out of the ad but will instead direct them to the ad, but you will benefit as many users might just want to read your content without even caring to help by clicking on any of the native ads to help you get revenue but with this ad formats you will surely drive good revenue 


-With links you get paid by anyone who click on that link and visit the recommended website or whatsoever, here is the trick if you want more link clickers than just add the link at the end of your blog or sometimes in the middle of your blog and say DON'T CLICK or something catchy to make users curious 


-When signing up be for to choose Publisher, I've heard many people fail as the go with Affiliate and Advisement, ADSTERRA is very good does not make you rich but help you earn something from your content not only for bloggers, social media influencers such as instagram, Facebook, tiktok can earn using it too by requesting for a direct link which you can display to your audience and get paid per click 



Another way of monetizing your blog is throung ADCASH although it's difficult to sign up as the verification usually is tricky but once you are set you'll enjoy great revenue. ADCASH accept all types of traffic and pays really great for an ad viewed and clicked, ADCASH accept publisher wether the are just starting or a successful one you are all welcome, the reason why i placed ADCASH second is because although it's difficult to verify it has a great revenue for publishers you are paid so much and if you have really unique visitors to your blog and dream of monetizing it with better revenue then you might consider ADCASH, ads you should expect to see on your blog are what's trending as ADCASH show the most relevant ads to your blog visitors , ADCASH has alot of tools for publishers which help with their monetizing process 


A) SIGN UP (provide all required information)

B) VERIFY (add the meta/html tag given to your blog)

C) MONITIZE (customise ads, watch revenue grow)



-They accept all traffic as ADCASH operate in 195 different countries 


 -You will choose which ad formats to show your blog visitors, which you choose from the high performing ads of ADCASH 


- You will tract your earnings in real time with their platform or reporting APL


- ADCASH allows you to monitize all impressions (views) so earning is easy


- Adcashs ads pass bypass ad blockers thus increasing your earnings, with their narrative ads (ads you find inside post) you can earn impression revenue from users with ad blockers 


-Once you reach the payout minimum you can request for payment and it will be delivered to you instantly no more waiting like other platforms and be sure your payment method is supported as ADCASH supports many either Webmoney, PayPal, Bank Transfer, or Bitcoin



-Another site to earn revenue from your blogspot is by Advertising for PolarAds this is a young company with online advertisement experience they have so many different ways to help you earn from your traffic with your blog 



-After you are all signed up and aproved in your ad manages you can request for this ad units scripts, this ads which you can ad to your blog posts or on your home page which will be shown to users and you will be paid for impression, that's what makes them good as if viewed you are paid good for if you want to earn revenue from your blog but if you want user experience than you shouldn't use this ones as they annoy users especially if your blog content is not related to this software updates, imagine i came to read abaut my health and you show me abaut softwares, not making sense, but this is good for software developers infomatic blog as really your users will appreciate it since your users are mostly software lovers


-Again if you request for ad codes of this ads then ad them to your blog posts visitors will be shown pop and push ads which you can earn from from their view or clicks


-This is a very smart way for if you have valuable content the one a user will give anything especially watch an ad to access the content, PolarAds gives you this option where you lock your content and visitors can unlock it by watching an ad, that way you will earn from the ads more as the visitors will have no choice but watch the ad inorder to unlock content, but as i said before this is only effective for publishers with great value contents or else visitors can option not to view your content as it's not that valuable 


-As i said before it's not easy to earn from a link especially if the link is not something valuable to your visitors, all you have to do inorder to get this link clickers for payment is by disguising the link, use catchy words such as Don't Click Me, WinCash, FreeGift, SeeMe and so forth this are the titles you should disguise your links in to get more link clickers as you are payed by the number of link clicks


-As soon as you apply you should wait for approval which takes usually a day or two and once you are approved you will get a free account manager who will help you successfully earn from your blog, payments are made on the 15th of each month, PolarAds support so many different payment methods I'm sure yours is there too



If you want high revenue from your traffic than hilltop Ads is what you need, okay it's the fourth option because it really is difficult to be approved not compared to Google Adsense though, and it also requires you to have 5K visitors a day which is impossible for a beginner blogger but included it because you might be lucky to be approved and qith this one once you are approved be sure you are making big money


A) ACCEPT ALL GEO's- Wether it's an entertainment blog, finance, movie or whatever your blog is abaut as long as it have 5k daily visitors it's accepted 

B) 100% FILL RATE- Which means the is no blocked impression the ad is shown to all your blog visitors thus making your revenue higher

C) MANY AD UNIT TO CHOOSE FROM- HilltopAds have so many different ad units to customize with your blog either pop ups, banners, in-video, native and so many others which are visitors interest

D) PERSONAL MANAGER- Once Approved a personal manager will help you customise and earn more from your traffic making it an exciting platform 

E) WEEKLY PAYOUTS- One reason why you should try HilltopAds is because of it's weekly payout and many payment options like PayPal, Wire transfer, Webmoney, Capitalist, Bitcoin and Tether (USDT)


A) SIGN UP (provide all information especially right email adress)

B) FILL OUT PUBLISHER QUIZ (be honest in the quiz)

C) GET CODE AND EARN (this is if you are approved as only blogs with 5k unique visitors daily are approved) the rest you'll learn in the platform and from your personal manager 


•Use Amazon affiliate program to display native shoping Amazon ads on your blog and as soon as your visitor purchase something using your link you get a certain amount from the purchase OR 

•Take up the lead directly contact agents and offer to advitise for them and you'll be payed OR

•Do a sponsored post OR

•Directly add a gadget on your blog for advitisers with a link that leads to your email so they contact you, here is what you can say ADVITISE HERE or YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE WAITING this can attract advitisers


Jessica said…
Thank you very much, yes I'm the one who have been requesting for this post, not that i dont know..i just wanted someone's pov,I'll share your blog so many come here..Thank YOU
Jen said…
Adsterra is a scammer, and their earnings are low
Kishna Kiara said…
Did you test them? Or you just guess?? I realy want monitize my website
Ling tang said…
Admedia, is one of you didn't include here..but this are fine thanks
Lilly kim said…
Can we use two ads network at once? And earn from boyh please?
Mr Johnson said…
I love your post, so educating
Johnson Kim said…
Not all of us are bloggers already, please how to start blogging help

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